2012年8月23日 星期四

Pest Control For Spiders Is Tough Because They Weave Most Of Their Webs Where You Can't See Them

One very effective method for pest control to get rid of spiders in your home is cleaning away the cobweb every time you see one.

Keep taking their house away, and after a while the spider moves someplace else to build.

That works very well in places where you see them weaving their webs, but doesn't that just drive the spiders into hiding? Where they build new nests that you can't see?

The spiders are still in your home. They just move behind furniture, appliances, and bookshelves - places where you don't look for them.

That isn't so much of a problem early on. There aren't so many spiders at first, and they do trap insects for food. That keeps the flies and mosquitoes from bothering you a lot.

The problem comes later when those hidden spiders start having babies. Those little ones have to go find their own place to live. So here they come again. Right back into the open as they build their nests in the upper corners where your ceiling and walls join.

Then you're back to cleaning away those webs again.

Hiding spiders are also a problem when they're Brown Recluse.

You have no way to know a spider lurks behind that furniture or appliance when you reach back there. You definitely don't know if a recluse waits for you to stick your hand into its web.

Those guys have nasty bites. One bit my father on the finger once (the bite was on the side of the joint toward the fingernail). To keep the poison from spreading into his hand, and up his arm, the doctors cut the finger off at the next joint up.

I'm sure you don't want something like that happening to you.

So what kind of pest control technique can you use to keep the recluse from living behind your furniture, and other spiders from weaving unsightly webs around the rooms of your home?

Foggers work, but they only kill the spiders that live in those places the fog reaches. If the spider is under the floor, or above the ceiling, your fog won't work. And the fog may or may not, take out spiders in un-hatched eggs. Those eggs may hatch after the effect of the fog wears off.

I recommend using a suspension chemical.

Suspensions are mixtures of pesticides where the poison, in powder form, floats (lies suspended) in a liquid. When you apply the mixture to a surface the liquid dries, and the powder coats the surface.

Any bug walking across that coated surface gets the powder on its legs. Later when the bug cleans itself it licks off the powder residue, and dies.

All you need is to learn how to properly apply the suspension formula, and how long the pesticide effects last. Then just put on a new coat each time the poison's life expires.

Housekeeping is a valid technique in pest control. Cleaning those spider webs away goes a long way in keeping spiders from your home.

But housekeeping is only one technique of pest control. You need a combination of methods for controlling spiders, and keeping your home spider-free.

Joseph Jackson is an experienced pest control technician and author of SPIDER RIDDANCE, a how to guide for performing do-it-yourself pest control for controlling spiders.

Find other pest control ebooks by Joe at http://www.bugsmiceratsnomore.com

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