Causing jumps, screams and scares to homes across the country is the dreaded sighting of a house spider. We have all had encounters with a creepy spider and whether you are the one who screams for help or the one that comes running to the rescue, we can likely all agree they are not good company to have in our home.
Although very few spiders are capable of causing humans any harm, does not make these critters any better to be residing in your home. Only the black widow and the brown recluse are known to have the ability to cause severe reactions when they bite and this is only in some people. For the most part spiders are very docile and try to avoid any human interactions. Due to this fact, you will most likely find spiders in the following areas of your home:
back of the closet
old boxes or bins
stacks of newspaper
in the attic
in the basement
in crawl spaces
or anywhere else that is remote and away from constant human contact
Even if you do meet up with a spider while cleaning out the closet or your attic, do not fear. They are very unlikely to become aggressive unless they feel seriously threatened. And even so, most spiders are not capable of piercing through human skin when they bite.
Still not convinced that you want to see a spider ever again? Here are some ways to help prevent finding these critters spinning webs in your home:
trim back bushes and shrubs so they do not touch the side of the house
make sure all windows and doors have screens that fit tightly and do not have holes or tears
seal off cracks on the exterior of your home
de-clutter your storage spaces so spiders cannot hide out
contact your local pest control company to set up a routine pest control service
In order to keep a spider free home, try to follow the spider prevention tips above. Not only will your home be more organized in the end, but you will also have less pest problems. No matter what time of the year, the best way to prevent pests is to maintain a routine pest control service. The pest control pros can treat your home as necessary in order to get rid of any existing spiders and also prevent future ones from getting inside.
For residents living in the San Antonio, Houston, and Austin, TX areas who are suffering from the freight of spiders, Holder Pest Solutions can help! There is no need to worry about what could be crawling near the bed at night. With the trusted pest protection at Holder's you will be safe from any creepy crawlies! Click here to visit their website and to learn more about how you can stay spider free.
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