2011年12月26日 星期一

The End of Summer Means Pest Control Adjustments For Year-Round Insects and a New Rodent Attack

Most of those insects that pester us during the hot summer days are snug in their winter homes here in the Midwest. I noticed a couple fruit flies buzzing around over the last few days, but I know they'll disappear soon enough.

That doesn't mean freedom from your pest control efforts though. You just need a change to pest control tactics that battle the cold weather visitors you don't want invading your home.

Pest control requires your attention 12-months every year, not just when it's warm.

You still must watch out for a couple of insects that stay active no matter what the season, though they slow down their activities when they're cold. Then there's that little 4-legged guy, and his bigger cousin, that likes the warmth you make available when the out-of-doors atmosphere loses its comfort.

Beyond your usual inspection for cockroaches and spiders, cold weather means an additional pest control procedure for checking along your walls (especially in the corners) for those little calling cards that alert you to the arrival of the rodents.

Most spiders don't bother you except for the unsightly cobwebs they weave in the upper corners of the walls. Use a broom for that, it works well for handling cobwebs.

I see the population of brown recluse spiders constantly growing around my place here in Indiana. Every year I find more of them in my house, and in my storage barn. I advise you study some pictures of these highly poisonous spiders until you know what they look like from a distance. You don't want to get to close to these guys.

Once you recognize them at a glance from three feet or so just spray them with an insecticide. You must constantly be on the watch for them all 12-months of the year. Those sprays only last so long, and once the potency disappears new brown recluse move right back in.

At least that's my experience.

Cockroaches make their home in your walls, venture out mostly after the house is dark, and then usually only visit the inside spaces of your cabinets where they find food, or under your sinks, running along pipes where they get their drinking water.

Most of the time you won't even see these guys because they're shy and don't venture out into open spaces much. When you do see them they're usually in the kitchen roaming around your floors and countertops. Spotting roaches is often a middle-of-the-night thing when you walk into your kitchen, and suddenly turn on the light - and they all go scurrying for cover. Sometimes you find them before lighting up the room when you step down and feel them crunching under your foot.

When the population grows to the size that you see them running around in the open is when you know you have a large infestation of cockroaches. By then your job of eliminating them is difficult.

The variety of roach that infests your kitchen is most likely the German cockroach, and your best method for treating is bait placement.

Then there's that rodent I mentioned.

These pests don't venture out into the open much either. Sometimes you catch movement from the corner of your eye, and maybe catch sight of a mouse running along a wall. Most times you don't see them, but you know they're around because you find those droppings every day.

Rodents like to stay out of sight when they have the opportunity. They rarely run out into the middle of a room.

Cardboard tunnels with glue boards placed inside make great traps for mice and rats. They think the tunnel is wonderful place to hide, and become stuck on the glue. Mechanical traps capture rodents successfully when you place something tasty on the trigger.

Rodent baits are most effective for mice and rats. The problem with placing baits is the rodent eats the bait then crawls inside your wall to die. That means you live with a stink that lasts three or four days for most decaying mice, and one to two weeks for dead rats.

With awareness that new seasonal pests have different habits you'll still be in control. Just make those pest control inspection changes to address those new habits, and you'll keep the populations down.

Pest control is a process that requires your attention all year. Don't let your guard down just because the weather turns cold.

Joseph Jackson is an experienced pest control technician and author of RODENT RIDDANCE, a how to guide for performing do-it-yourself pest control for controlling mice and rats.

If you're looking for more do-it-yourself pest control techniques you'll find Joe's book that covers all his most problematic Pest Control Technician experiences at: BUG RIDDANCE, Rats And Mice Too!

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